Auto-response Rules

This simple guide will take you through the process of setting up an auto-response rule for an Instant Message integration.

Before setting up an auto-response rule, you need to create a template that is going to be sent.

Step 1: Create an Auto-Response Template

In order to create a template, please visit the Instant Tools => Templates tab and press the Create New button.

The following window appears on the right-hand side:

Set a Template name. This name will appear in the list of available templates when replying to a ticket.

Type a text for your template. This text will be inserted into the reply box when you choose a template.

Step 2: Creating an Auto-Response rule

Visit the Instant Tools => Auto-response Rules tab and press the Create New button.

Once clicked, an Auto-Response rule creation window will appear:

Here is the fields & settings description:

  • Rule Name: this is the name of your AR rule;

  • Template to Send: here you need to choose a template that this AR rule will send to your clients;

  • Integrations & Widgets: here you need to decide what integration(s) or Replyco LiveChat widget(s) will be covered by this AR rule;

  • Date Range: this option allows you to select whether the AR rule will work endlessly or within a certain date frame;

  • Delay Range: this option allows you to define the number of minutes that should pass from the moment of a client's message arrival till the AR will be sent. It can be a certain value or a range when our system will pick the number of minutes randomly;

  • Frequency: this option allows you to choose whether each customer's message in a ticket will be auto-replied or just the first one;

  • Send outside working hours: this option allows the Auto-Response rule to refer to your Company's Working Hours (can be set up on a Company Settings page) and send ARs outside of them;

  • Days: this setting allows you to define days of the week when this AR will be active;

  • Active between: this setting allows you to define certain hours & minutes when this AR will be active during the days chosen in the previous setting;

  • Conditions: this setting defines when exactly this AR should be triggered.

Once everything is set up, click Save:

All Done!

Still have questions?

We're here to help! If you have ANY questions, need help with setup, or just want to chat about customer support (really, we are always up for a good chat), please don't hesitate to reach out via:

Chat: Click on the chat icon (lower right of the App)


Last updated